Sunday, August 3, 2008

Seventh Time is a Charm...

Let it be known....I AM the queen of flat tires! I was involved in my 7th flat tire last night (yes, 7th in 9 years!!). Unbelievable! The kids and I were on our way home from a spontaneous day trip to visit my parents and sisters (who were all there but Tara, so I didn't want to miss out). There were many "fortunates" though- some being:
- I was just outside of Las Vegas, not in the middle of the desert
- it wasn't 110 degrees, only 90 b/c it was late (9pm)
-I had changed 6 roadside flat tires before (and taught YW on several occasions)
-it was a rear tire (at the freeway speed I was going, it could have been really bad as a front tire)
-the kids slept through the entire ordeal!
- Shane was close enough to come help

Disclaimer: I do not get flat tires due to poor tire maintenance or service--almost every time it has been in a different car (twice in my parent's van) due to some random object.

My History of Flat Tires:

1st time- in college, and I changed the tire entirely on my own before a guy came and offered help (he was very impressed BTW, and I was quite proud of myself!:)
2nd time-I was driving with my mother and we pulled up into the driveway and the front right tire flattened entirely as we parked! I changed it.
3rd time- All my sisters and I, and my mother were driving across country to somewhere (can't remember where) and a trucker flagged us to let us know our rear left tire was flat). I changed it and finished as a trucker pulled up to help behind us. He said that the cb radio's were buzzin' with "6 girls on side of road changing tire". Interesting.
4th time- In college, again--i don't remember the circumstances.
5th time- On my way home from girl's camp, in a caravan of 3 cars and 6 or 7 YW. It wasn't my car that had a flat that time, but my friend, Lindsay's. Again, I changed the tire with a screaming baby Brinly and several giddy teenage girls on the side of the road:)
6th time- Shopping in Virginia with my sister-in-law Kathy. For some reason we borrowed my father-in-law's NEW car. On the way out we realized we had a flat. I was prego with Cade and couldn't get the lug nut's loose (and we had trouble finding the tire key)--fortunately, a nice fellow helped us out that time.
7th time- last night! Notice Shane came PREPARED-- headlamp and all:) I was so grateful for his help...I was a bit nervous on the side of the freeway with two children, in the dark, feeling very vulnerable (I even emptied my wallet-- all but my license and one credit card-- into the van's garbage drawer, just in case-Ha!).

So, beware, if you're driving with me, I average a flat tire every 1.3 years! But no fear, I do know how to change a tire:) If you need a lesson, I'd be glad to teach you :)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness, Cam, that is crazy! I'm never driving with you! LOL. But that is so awesome you are such a pro...I would have no idea what to do. -Lindsay K