Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring 2011

We had some fun adventures Spring 2011. We started our first chicken "farm" and prepped and planted a wonderful garden, harvested and preserved all kinds of fruits from the orchard and vegetables from the garden. It was a wonderfully fulfilling spring and summer. This is how it began:
Shane built a chicken coop- you'll see the final version later. He enjoyed it thoroughly!
The chickens and ducks are hidden, but we had initially 6 chickens and 2 ducks. This was the beginning of their outdoor home. The kids LOVED raising the little chicks. I was just glad to get them out of the house and outside! Those ducks are messy...and stinky. The chickens have less of a personality. But we did end up losing one of the baby chickens right here at the beginning.
Here are the chickens and ducks with the kids. The kids could catch them so easily, while Shane and I really struggled to keep up with them. They were cute little guys as little things:) adults...not so much.
My garden aspirations began in March. I started almost everything from seed, and considering our short growing season here up north, I had a lot I needed to get started as early as possible. This was just the beginning!This was the plot of land I cleared in the back yard. It was a TON of work because it was covered in overgrown vinca vine....terrible stuff to let go in a garden...roots everywhere. BUT after several weeks of clearing and a good was ready.

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