Sunday, March 28, 2010

PartVI- Day 2 & 3

Our second and third day were pretty good...until, well, you'll see. But we stopped at a train station- A REAL TRAIN STATION- to Cade's udder astonishment! He LOVED it to say the least. We didn't ride any train, just walked around and checked them out.

(yes, that was a no-make-up day...and a rough pervious night look:)

Stopped at the familiar Lincoln monument near Lincoln, NE.

Here we are int he times:) (well, mostly).


Hart Family said...

So fun! It makes me want to make a road trip...kind of. We'll get out there sometime! Wish it was sooner than later. That little Adelle is just darling with that little red hat on! SO CUTE!

Ryan Sarah Hatch said...

Thanks for the updates! Just wanted to let you know I think it's hilarious that you and your twinner don't post for so long and then when you finally do, it's on the same day! hehehe :o) I just find it humorous! Luv ya!