Brinly started the grand excursion of formal education today....Kindergarten. She was excited to say the least. No tears, hardly even a goodbye. She was thrilled. She took the bus to school and though she had no idea how to get to her classroom she followed the crowd looking and acting as she did! I had to run to catch up with her to show her the right direction.
Before school with brother. He was quite disappointed that he wasn't able to accompany her on the bus.
Cami, Did you just die when she didn't wave on the bus, and you realized she was all grown up now? I always make sure the children on my bus wave and blow kisses till they can't see their parents anymore. Talon started kindergarten this year also. He just seems so much more grown up to me. I told Cody your whole world just changed, hang on tight and enjoy the ride.
Cam, Brin looks JUST like Shane in the squatting picture. Something about her face and mannerisms...hilarious!
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