Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day of the Menice...My Son

So, Cade has been a MENICE since we returned home. I don’t know if he is just bored or what, but yesterday was a record for our household. First, I found him upstairs in our bathroom, repeatedly flushing the toilet WITH all the contents of the garbage in the toilet—including the plastic Wal-Mart bag---thus water was everywhere. Then, I found him in the kitchen after he had emptied the dirty dishwasher into the garbage! THEN, when I was preparing dinner, I turn around to set the table and Cade is standing on the middle of the kitchen table. He also dumped his milk and water on the carpet, pulled every rag & hand towel across the house, there were a few other things, but I can’t remember them right now. He tried several times to repeat the toilet fiasco—fortunately, Shane and I were there to intercede! What a wild boy! It all came all of a sudden—hopefully it won’t continue!

1 comment:

Ali said...

very adventurous spirit, that cade!! Very clever for a one year old....!!