Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bowling Bonanza:
A few weeks ago, we took the kids bowling for the first time. It was a hoot. Brinly and Cade LOVED it! Cade could hardly carry the ball, or Brinly for that matter, but they were entranced by the return-the-ball machine. While we waited for their ball to finally meet the pins, our neighbor bowlers took about three turns--literally! It was too funny to watch how slowly the ball rolled down our alley. It was definitely memorable!
Brin taking her turn while little brother soaks in the technique of his all-knowing big sister:)

Cade's victory! (I LOVE it when he does is just makes me melt.)

Aerobic Adventures:
So Brinly has a great little dance class she attends each week- last week, we were without a car, so we biked. It really was very refreshing, even with heat of almost 100 degrees outside! I enjoyed the exercise, and the kids fell asleep-helmets and all- on the way home...great bonus:)

Dress-up Dude and Diva:

Brinly enjoys dress-up immensely--Cade is now succumbing to his sister's endless efforts to join her:) Introducing...Cowboy Cade!

...AND snow princess Brinly!


Ryan Sarah Hatch said...

Brinly and Cade are so cute! I love the picture of them sleeping in the bike trailer thing! Brinly is cute in her dance outfit, with a helmet on! :)

Lindsay said...

I can't believe you biked in 100 degree weather! I would have died...well, okay, I would have died even it was 70 degree weather. LOL! They are so cute in their dress-up outfits! -Lindsay K

Encourager said...

Oh, Cami! They are SO adorable! I can hardly STAND it! Love You!